Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Galileo's Daughter.

Galileo's daughter was Suor Maria Celeste. She was a nun living in a convent but even though she was secluded she was essential for her father's writing. First of all Suor Maria Celeste helped his father in all aspects. She took care of him she helped him finacially, fed him and eventually became his editor. Galileo and his daughter send eachother letters which is usually his manuscripts even though she doesn't entirely understand his work she still gives him advice and tells him what not to write. If it weren't for her Galileo's work would not even be published.

Monday, February 23, 2009

St. Tomas Aquina's Five Ways

The worst of Aquinas proof is the Second Way: Causation of Existence. This proof contradicts itself the worst. He states that in existence an object cannot create itself. Which is true a baby comes from parents and a tree from a seed. You just cannot create oneself. But then he says that God must be the one that created everything. If he says that God created everything then who created God because according to Aquinas nothing can create itself which means that something would have created God which means that he is not the ultimate creator because someone must have created him. I mean he could not just appeared out of nowhere and just start creating things.

The best proof that Aquinas has is the Fifth Way The Argument from Intelligent Design. This proof is the best in my opinion because it is the only one that does not contradict itself. During that time there was no science and no Darwin so the idea of evolution did not exist. And this intelligent design theory today is still a very big part of the world. I mean recently they were arguing whether they should incorporate intelligent design into school or not. And even though there is no proof that God designed and ordered everything by this intelligent designer called God. But this is the only theory we have. Still how are we to know if God really is this intelligent designer we would never know; that's why people had blind faith and even now people have blind faith in science. So religion and science are the two things that people rely on the most these days.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Adolf Hitler's Fallacies.

In Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler makes the justification that the German's are superior. If you really read with attention then you can see how ridiculous these arguments and claims are. After i read this it was hard to believe that Hitler was once one of the most powerful man in the world and wiped out millions of Jews. I really wonder if these people were so damned stupid to believe all this crap that Hitler fed them. Seriously this chapter that i read was pretty funny because the fallacies that he said were stupid.

With his opening statement he says "THERE are some truths which are so obvious that for this very reason they are not seen or at least not recognized by ordinary people" this is an Ad Hominem because he is attacking that the people that are average cannot see the real truth. And with this Hitler is trying to make the people feel superior because they can actually see the truth and the people that cannot grasp this truth is inferior than them.

Another part of this chapter Hitler starts talking about nature and he goes on and on really its quite repetitive that how a fox mates with a fox and a mouse with a mouse and a cat with a cat. And he says that they do not go around and mate with other species that are superior with them. And then this analogy is supposed do with humans. Since in nature only species mate with themselves and not other species the humans aren't supposed to mate with someone who is less superior than them. This is a false analogy. First of all humans are just one species and the animals can only mate with animals within their own species. Race is not a specie but apparently Hitler thinks so because he says that mating with the lesser race will make them less powerful but that is stupid because one is just reproducing and the fact that ideas and inventions come from different cultures put together does not make it inferior. It actually helps intermingling with other races if one just stayed with their own race there would really be no type of progress. And of course a fox can't mate with a goose not because the goose is less inferior its just because they can't reproduce and everything for them is about surviving.

And then Hitler goes saying that there is historical proof that mating with less race can be bad for the superior race. Adolf used Faulty Use of Authority. He claims that there are historical events that prove that if a dominant race mates with a lesser race then makes them weak. The facts that he uses are not even facts he just says that these people are superior and that the other people are inferior. He never mentions anything tragic happening because of this intermingling. In nicer terms Hitler was an ass you just said things without any proof or facts.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Credible Challenge to Evolution

i think that there is a credible challenge to evolution. This question of creation has never been proven and evolution is just a theory just like all the other theories of creation. This theory however is not just based on faith like an intelligent design that says that God created us. There is some evidence that evolution happened and that we went from tadpoles to humans. There are gaps in the fossil records that supposedly show that there was some kind of spontaneous mutation. And the fossil records are inconsistent. Because the theory of evolution has prove it may be one of the reasons why they teach it at school. It is scientific and teaching intelligent design in a science class may not be the best idea because science teachers are all about the facts and evolution is the only theory that provides it because intelligent design requires faith. But intelligent design is more like religion which requires faith and religion is banned from schools

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Syllogisms, Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens

Syllogisms Modus Ponens and Modus Tollens are all part of Deductive Logic. But even though they fall onto the same category they are not the same. A Syllogism is the bringing together of two statements to get to a conclusion. There must be three terms. The major premise the minor premise and a conclusion. In the conclusion there is no new information being presented. In the first term you have your A and your B in your second term you repeat the B and have C and in the conclusion you include A and the C
For example: All dogs have tails
Pluto has a tail
Therefore Pluto is a dog

A Modus Ponen is different than a syllogism it begins with the word if and only has two statements. It is if p then q therefore p has to be q. For this type of deductive logic you need to make p statement true and if the p statement is true then q also has to be true.
For example:If i am happy then i smile
I am happy therefore i am smiling
A Modus Tollens is similar to Modus Ponen but the only differences is that if p is not true then p can't be true either. And when you are writing these Modus Tollens you negate and inverse the second part of the statement. If p then q; Not q therefore not p.
For example: If my dog is tired then my dog is sleeping
My dog is not sleeping therefore he is not tired.